Here's a mid-May treat for you: 3 NEW posts at Rainbow Posts with lots more coming! Stay tuned

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Over the past weeks, we have received several reports with formatting on our blog. we checked ourselves and those reports are true. we have tried to find a solution and we have. Earlier, people with 13 inch notebooks, complained the most. However, we tested it on iPad and everything was in perfect order. If you are experiencing problems, we have found a solution. First, we publish our posts in Safari we browser. If you are using Internet Explore there are common problems such as text going strait down (Most common) duplicate entries, etc. To avoid those problems please download Safari for the best experience of our blog. If you are using Google Chrome and experience problems, please Contact Us. We will continue working to improve these problems but for now please try to download Safari+Quicktime (Included free) for the best experience of our blog.

           We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and we are working hard to fix this problem.

                                              Thanks, the Rainbow Posts team

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