Here's a mid-May treat for you: 3 NEW posts at Rainbow Posts with lots more coming! Stay tuned

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hi to all the readers of Rainbow Posts,

Sorry, it's been a busy week and time of year but we have a few things to say: You should expect a new post within a few days now so still be on the lookout. Next, since some users were experiencing problems with our site, we decided we would update our SITE REQUIREMENTS for Rainbow Posts or Download Safari or E-mail us

Please make sure your system meets these requirements to experience Rainbow Posts Best:

Safari 5.0.3 or later (free download from
Chrome (Any)
Firefox 3 or later
Opera (Any)

(Note: Does NOT work with Microsoft Internet Explorer*)

Windows 7 (32, 64 bit) or later
(Based on Tests, Rainbow Posts is Not compatible with Windows Vista*)
Mac OS X 10.6 Snow leopard or later
Ubuntu 9.10 (Linux)

Intel powered computer
400 MHz processor or higher
Internet router
256 MB RAM
802.11 b/g or higher

ADOBE FLASH version 10 or Quicktime (Latest version) may be required for some features.

Please note: Requirements change through time. Please keep your system up-to-date with the latest updates

Click here if you want to report an error, a missed requirement or compatibility [issues]

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