And there are a few things that we should cover.
Hot Topic:
There have been many rumors that were spread in the last few weeks, that NASA's space shuttle program, is retiring, after decades of service to the U.S. NASA believes The shuttles are aging, and becoming more expensive to maintain. The constellation project was going to take over, but that got canceled as well. They're trying to spur private companies into developing their own rockets to get into orbit (which would be cheaper in the long run than a government-run program).
In the meantime, NASA is going to keep up the good work, though. There are a few new space telescopes in the works, and many robotic missions on the drawing boards. It's just a shift in approach - they're focusing more on robotic probes than on manned exploration, because it is much cheaper and less risky to astronauts. Manned spaceflight isn't being completely abandoned, it's just not going to be the primary focus.
NASA means a lot to the U.S. And the world. It effected some of the main ways that humans entered and encountered the hard journeys to outer space.
But, it's for our, and the governments own move that this move happens, everything (most of the time) is done towards the best, and in order to improve things. This could have been done, not just for financial and equipment reasons but for safety too. It could also help benefit the environment and the government too. including us-- which means our taxes could be lower and the economy and stocks could increase.
This, we'll find all find out. sooner or later.
Below are some thing related to this topic which might interest you. Items are available for purchase from the world's leading online retailer--
Along with that, here is an image (courtesy of Google Images) that shows all 8 planets in size and order.
So, since we're already in the whole talk of "space", the universe, and NASA we forgot to mention of our beautiful, remarkable, and unique Galaxy and solar system.
When you take a closer look, you can see that all those details...
But wait... We're missing something...
If you look at one tiny little dot...
You'll find out that that is as big (or bigger) than our solar system. And all these solar systems are in one universe which is also one tiny dot. And there are thousands of each. Good thing they provide GPSs on those space shuttles!!! (you wouldn't want to get lost 1,000,000,000 billion light years from home!)
The new iMac released in 2011 |
A couple days ago, Apple introduced a new update, The new 21.5" and 27" iMac. Really, there isn't anything that "exciting" or anything we haven't heard about that would make that product really "new" but, if you have (or read the MacBook Pro post on Rainbow Posts, Check the Archive!!!) Then you should be fmiliar 'cause those updates are the same.
Here is a quick outlook and summary of the new iMac's features:
-Intel i5 and i7 processors (over the i3)
-Same Hardrive (500GB)
-Same Random Access Memory (RAM) (4GB, Up to 16GB)
-New FaceTime HD camera
-3X faster graphics* (than previous gen. Tests conducted by Apple)
-New Thunderbolt Ports
-Same look and thinness
Tech Worth Talking About:
Ever since, the white iPhone 4 came out, there have been some chats, texts, and searches for what that little thing on top of the speaker is. (We even posted this on our April 30th post (find in archive!) on Rainbow posts)
At first, nobody (including us) knew, but now we have a hypothesis.
First things First: At first, we collected data on what it could be. we tested several smartphone, and recorded observations. Not much differences.
The Black iPhone: At first, we thought thought only the white iPhone had this, but then we took a few test and realized it that the black iPhone had this too, but it was very hard to tell without tools and nearly impossible to distinguish (you try it!)
Effects And Outcomes: We made a data chart of ALL the possible shown and non-shown features of both iPhones. Here are all the possible effected features:
WHOO! That's a LOT
However, It is the light sensor to the camera. (for quality images)
It's Strange, But it's True:-- White iPhone
After tests, The data analysis showed that the white iPhone on Verizon (Verizon?!-- It's creepy and unbelievable, but it's true!!) Had a better and realistic image from the same angle at the Same distance than the White, AT&T model, Black, Verizon model, AND Black, AT&T model.
It's strange, But it's true.
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