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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Apple working on HD TV, packed with new features.

Apple iScreen concept by Ciccarese Design

Did you know Apple is working on a TV? We all Know Apple's current version of Apple TV but honestly, a box and a HDTV isn't very 'awesome'. However, several sources (like Smarthouse) suggest, claim and confirm Apple is working on a Television. However, this TV is no box hook-up. We've seen those before (like with Google TV) However this TV will be a TV itself, and here is a summary of several sources predictions on the Apple TV details:


-A6 System-on-a-chip processor* that will be used in the next (3rd) iPad, may also be found in the Apple TV.
      *We think that the A6 chip will be quad-core, and will have about 1.4 GHz.

-Siri, Apple's (not-so) intelligent assistant found currently on the iPhone 4S, may be included in future Apple   products, such as the iPad 3 and the new Apple TV

-The App Store for purchasing games and apps to your TV.

-The iTunes Store. Steve Jobs, noted that they want to change the TV industry as they did with music, and games, so Apple might allow customers to purchase TV shows, Videos, Podcasts, and other media without having to leave the living room.

-An internal hard drive. If Apple TV will have the iTunes and App Store, You need some space to store all those things. We think that if there will be an internal hard drive inside the Apple TV, we think the sizes could be as follows: 8 GB, 16 GB, 32 GB, or maybe even  64 GB.

-FaceTime, plus a front-facing camera. The new Apple TV, may bring video calling via a built-in front facing video camera (around 3-5 MP)

-Microphone. for FaceTime, Siri, & Apps.

-Retina/OLED display? We're still not sure but it is possible.

-Overall, an enhanced TV experience. 


MacRumors quotes that the TV may come in 3 sizes. Varying between 32-55".


We think summer (June-July) 2012.

That's what we know for now. Stay tuned for more updates.

That's what we think for now! Stay tuned for more updates

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