Here's a mid-May treat for you: 3 NEW posts at Rainbow Posts with lots more coming! Stay tuned

Friday, December 9, 2011

Welcome Back!

Hello everyone,

Welcome back-- Sorry for the huge interval between posts. We were fixing bugs on the iPad, and mobile version. Meanwhile, Rainbow Posts gets an update!

Here's What's New:

-No more Ads
-Better Page Tagging
-Better, bug-free mobile site.
-Faster load times
-Supports Retina display (On iPhone 4 & 4S)

***As of Decemeber 12th 2011***)

***PRODUCT PAGE! ******

-Full list of tech products
-Links, Photos, & more
-And More!


-Help Center
-Tech Forums
-Online Gallery
-Siri Experimental


-Language Tools
-And more coming soon.

We hope you enjoy the update, and sorry for the long wait. A new post will follow this one shortly!

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